General Membership Meeting Agenda, Feb. 28, 2023

Utah Progressive Caucus

7:00-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023

via internet conference

Presiding and Conducting: Emily Olsen, Chair

  1. Approve Meeting Minutes from January 3, 2023 meeting
  2. Announcements –
    – The UDP County Chair meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month. A Zoom link is available on the UDP calendar of events can be found on their website under the Get Involved tab.
    – Candidate filing for positions up for UDP election will open March 18. Information to file may be found here.
    – Other announcements
  3. Guest: Nick Mitchell, running for UDP Vice Chair
  4. Update from the State Progressive Chairs meeting
  5. Legislative Update –
    – HB 462
    – HB 101 + SJR 10
  6. Scheduling of the next General Membership Meeting
  7. Adjournment